January Vol.1, No.1

Health Tips

Happy New Year, Yall

OK, so, here we go. Celebrating a new year and wishing for the best.

First things first. Lets talk about what most people do around this time. First thoughts? Resolutions!

Most people resolve to be healthier than last year. Good luck on that.

Eating better - right! Saving more. Taxes keep going up and at the present, I would say we are already taxed around fifty percent in total.

I decided, among other issues that resolutions are not something I would do, make or attempt. I just don't.

Additionally, i do not make promises. Being on the real... when you make a promise, and don't take into consideration the many factors that could make you break that promise, what happens. You have made yourself a liar! You lied to the person you made the promise to and you disappointed them. The person you lied to loses trust in you - they may not say it but, they have. And you feel bad because the promise was something you might have wanted to do.

So, this year, why not just admit that you will work to be a better person. Don't say try, becasue the word "TRY" is a negative. When you say, "I'll try to come over - you normally don't. Again, there are circumstances that could keep you from trying or you might forget or you might just be in a place where you don't want to leave.

Lets be real. What are Kentuckians known most for? Being friendly. When you vist another city, and you are siteseeing, do you offer a smile and a greeting to those you come in contact with? They may not return it but as a Kentuckian, you offer it anyway. Its natural. It goes along with a friendly "How ya doing?"

So this year, why not just decide that you will be a more friendlier person. No resolutions, no promises, just be you, or an even better you.


Now, how about this brand new magazine you are reading. What do you think? NorthWestLex, a new full color monthly magazine full of articles, pictures, advertising and ideas, just for you. Yes, You!

NorthWestLex, the magazine focuses on bringing the residents of the north west corridor of Fayette County something we don't have - a communication tool that revolves around our neighborhoods, residents, interests, and maybe even goals.

Our corridor of north west Lexington is growing, there are 20 plus communities on this side of town, with over 50,000 residents and we still have to travel across town to shop or as most of us are doing shopping online.

NorthWestLex Magazine looks to bridge a gap. Offering the residents of our various communities an easy way to find information and more.

As you look and read through the monthly issues of NorthWestLex, we hope you will find something that interest you as well as something to motivate you to act.

And, we welcome your input as to how we are doing as well as what you might like to see and read.

We look forward to getting feedback from our neighbors. As a 22 year resident of Masterson Station, I know there are issues we all share and care about. So, from time to time, your input to our various surveys will be a great help in improving our communities and making them better.

Donald Cordray, is a resident of Masterson Station and editor of NorthWestLex
