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TOS & Conditions: Terms of Service

All contracts are subject to acceptance by NorthWestLex Magazine/Donald Cordray, Publisher and require that all Terms and Conditions contained in this agreement legally bind the Advertiser to all Terms and Conditions.


The assigned Advertiser understands all rates are stated on a cost per issue or contract term. NorthWestLex Magazine only offers a volume discount on frequency advertising contracts as stated, and ads from Advertiser must run consecutively in accordance with this contract.


NorthWestLex Magazine reserves the right to display advertising in any order.
The position of advertisements is not guaranteed nor will a dispute of placement dissolve contract obligations.


All issue space closings dates are no later then the 28th of the month preceding the next issue date. Advertiser shall provide all advertising material, including artwork, photos, images, text, logos, clipart, background, copy, etc., to allow NorthWestLex Magazine the authority to publish all material for placement. If by closing deadline date, NorthWestLex Magazine has not received copy that is deemed acceptable, NorthWestLex Magazine will repeat the Advertiser’s most recent ad copy or print nothing. This is totally at the discretion of NorthWestLex Magazine, and charges are still in place for the month in question.

Advertiser agrees to make all payment in accordance to contract. Failure to make payment by the scheduled date, allows NorthWestLex Magazine to enforce its right to cancel placement of advertisement without notice, and Advertiser is obligated to pay back charges and current charges as agreed upon. Any legal action brought against this contract shall by proper in Lexington, Fayette County, Kentucky, and Advertiser agrees to waive any objections to venue or personal jurisdiction.

No cancellation to this contract will be accepted outside of a fifteen (15) day period of the next scheduled editions space closing date. This contract can only be canceled by Advertiser through written notice to NorthWestLex Magazine within 20 days before the next scheduled deadline date. Any/all advertisement already placed is the responsibility of the Advertiser and must be paid in accordance with this contract. Any/all legal fees occurred by non-payment are the sole responsibility of Advertiser. This contract is with the named firm/business/person and any change in ownership, management or agency will not resolve these contract obligations. No verbal cancellations will be accepted or acknowledged.


Any loss or expense claims or suits based upon the subject matter and/or advertisement content is at the expense of the Advertiser. NorthWestLex Magazine is held harmless, and all indemnification applies. NorthWestLex Magazine reserves the right at any time to reject advertising which is deemed objectionable or offensive or that compromises a current relationship with our readers or other clients.


NorthWestLex Magazine provides advertisers a distribution through select target marketing and/or readers. NorthWestLex Magazines’ readers are identified as households within a specific area of Lexington, Fayette County, Kentucky. As a controlled circulation magazine, the delivery of this publication is guaranteed by the publisher and distributed via a private distribution service as well as various dropoff/pickup locations throughout the city of Lexington and surrounding counties.


The Advertiser assumes sole responsibility for the production of its copyright in any writing, pictorial illustration, maps, etc., including in their advertisement. Advertiser warrants that they have the authority to use any/all trademark, trade names, service marks, name, portrait, picture or likeness in the manner and in accordance with the ad material submitted. Advertiser agrees to defend, indemnify and hold NorthWestLex Magazine/Donald Cordray harmless from and against any/all liability claims, demands, suits, or causes of action, including attorneys’ fees incurred by NorthWestLex Magazine, in the defense thereof, arising out of the publication of any copyright and/or trademark infractions in accordance with this contract.


This contract constitutes the sole understanding between NorthWestLex Magazine/Donald Cordray and Advertiser. No modification or change to this contract or any oral understanding will be binding unless in writing and signed by both parties. NorthWestLex Magazine/Donald Cordray shall not be bound by any promises or agreements not contained herein and accepted, nor shall any such relieve the Advertiser of any their obligations hereunder.

First Time Advertisers are obligated to full payment upon confirmation of advertising.
Payments are expected with the signing of this contract at 50 (Fifty) Percent of Total and the balance of 50 Percent due Within 15 days. Any returned checks will incur a $100 Return Fee and All Advertisements will be placed on hold or removed until full Payment is made. (Please refer to Conditions for obligations)

Contract Period: ___ January ___ February ___ March ___ April ___ May ___ June ___ July ___ August ___ September ___ October ___ November/December

1.This contract is binding, in accordance with the conditions and cannot be terminated unless NorthWestLex Magazine/Donald Cordray is given written notice. Advertiser is responsible for all financial obligations.

2.All advertising material must meet NorthWestLex Magazines’ specifications and be in our production department by the deadline as set forth. As stated in the conditions, any material for placement not in our possession by 4:00pm on the deadline date is subject to be withheld for the next month’s deadline. Previous advertisement can be inserted in the current issue and the Advertiser is obligated to fulfill all financial responsibility as stated.

I have read, understand and will abide by the terms of this contract and the conditions as stated, and affix my signature to accept.

Authorizing Signature __________________________________________________
Please Print Name__________________________________________________________
Company Name_______________________________________________________________
Phone (_______)____________________________________________________________
Address ___________________________________________________________________
Email _____________________________________________________________________
Date _______________________________________________________, 20___________

Make All Payments To

NorthWestLex Magazine :: 2812 Majestic View Walk ::
Lexington, Kentucky 40511 :: :: 859.487.6857

We accept check, money orders or you can go online and use a credit card

